Bagaimana Anda menghadapi ? Merek dan Desain Industri Anda ( Importir Indonesia) didaftarkan oleh pihak pabrik di China.
Lindungi merek Anda di kawasan Dunia !
Pendaftaran merek Dunia dibawah Naungan WIPO :
1. Kawasan Asia. 2. Kawasan Amerika Utara. 3. Kawasan Amerka Latin. 4. Kawasan Eropa. 5. Kawasan Afrika. 6. Kawasan Timur tengah. 7. Kawasan Oceania.
File your invention patent application with our Attorney in Charge
Similar to a patent application but with shorter term and less requirements.
Protect the ornamental design of your creation including its shape, configuration, pattern or color.
File your Copyright application with our Attorney in Charge.
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